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Important Fair Work and JobKeeper updates

Over the past few months, Fair Work have been continually updating the resources on their website to keep up with the ever changing landscape of Coronavirus changes to work places. 

One change in particular that we want to highlight to you is the changes in regards to entitlements where employees are stood down or working reduced hours or days of work and receiving JobKeeper payments. 

If that is the case, employees will continue to accrue leave as normal and there is no impact to their period of service. In other words, even if employees’ hours are reduced to zero, this period will count as continuous service for the following:

In practical terms, this means that leave would accrue based on employees’ usual hours and days of work (rather than the reduced hours they may be working while on JobKeeper). In addition, any redundancy or termination payments would be calculated on usual hours and days of work. Please ensure that if you are paying Job Keeper top up amounts, your software is still accruing their entitlements correctly. 

Please have a look at the Fair Work website to get the most up to date information, and in particular the rules around JobKeeper, if you’ve had to stand any employees down.

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