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Apply Online

Please ensure you enter details in all the fields. Incomplete applications cannot be processed. 

Personal Details

First Name
Last Name
Residential Address (Your complete residential address)
Postal Address (If different to residential address)
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Attach covering letter
Attach curriculum vitae*

Job Information

Why do you want to work for STM Accounting Group?
Which area do you wish to work in? (Tick applicable box)

Specify your level of technical ability

What key skills would you bring to the role?
Which Microsoft Office products are you familiar with and to what level?
Competency in other software, with skill levels
What are your career goals?

Employment History

Provide details of previous employment, beginning with your most recent position.

Name of Employer 1
Length of service
Position held
Nature of work
Reason for leaving

Name of Employer 2
Length of service
Position held
Nature of work
Reason for leaving


Name of education organisation and highest qualification achieved
Number of years attended
Qualifications/Level of achievement
List other qualifications or formal achievements you consider relevant

General Information

Do you have the legal right to work in Australia? (Permanent residence or valid work permit)

If your application is accepted, when could you commence employment?

Interest and Hobbies

List your interests and hobbies

Please review the contents of your application to ensure you have answered all the questions. Incomplete applications cannot be processed.

Once your application is submitted you will receive an email notifying you that the application has been received, along with details of the information submitted. Your application will then be processed.

Contact Us Today.

Whatever your requirements, we can help you find the solution.

Unit 6, 1 Sigma Drive Croydon South, Australia VIC 3136

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